

Knowledge Eliminates Fear

We have just returned from our spring retreat and it was an incredibly memorable experience! By the end of the weekend we were getting stuck into some pretty profound knowledge and experiences and it seems many of the participants felt they were peering through the looking glass and realising that there is more to what

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Soft Shoe Shufflers

It was Jess’s birthday on Monday and we had a lovely end to the evening listening to tunes and chilling out. Jess put on George Harrison, one of her favs, and cranked it up for, My Sweet Lord and Wah Wah, before finishing with the track Beware of Darkness. This Georgie classic contains the line,

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We, the People

It was Election Day yesterday. Naturally I’m loathe to get involved in choosing between parties, that would be way too controversial! I’m more interested in the observation that everyone seems to be 100% on board with the idea of a democracy without ever really questioning it. Admittedly, it seems to make sense on the surface.

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Rhythm is a Dancer

We had a wonderful discussion at our recent ‘Off the Wagon’ workshop about the rhythms of nature and in particular, our biological and hormonal rhythms that are essential to a happy and healthy life experience. It feels like a great topic to expand upon as we begin our transition from Winter to Spring on this

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The Alexandrian Principle

I thought it would be relevant to start this year’s first newsletter with a lesson from another of history’s renowned leaders, this one emanating from the other end of Eurasia in a little territory called Macedon around 2400 years ago. Find an upcoming course It was then that a brilliant and precocious child, named Alexander,

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Love II

Last month we wrote a post on love and how we may develop our capacity for feeling it and giving it. But what is this nebulous thing we call love? And is there just one type of love or are there many, like different colours of the spectrum? Find an upcoming course It seems that

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Love: the most captivating, most enchanting and most compelling force on earth. Everything we do centres on our hunger to give love and receive it. Our activities may be shrouded by a more obvious motive force, but the underlying is always the seeking of love. Love of self and love of others. Find an upcoming

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The Roots of it All

In his memoirs, Chairman Mao referenced an incident from his childhood which is incredibly instructive for us all, and one he seems to have woefully overlooked in his destructive rise to power. Find an upcoming course When he was a wee lad, young Mao’s mother had a garden which was the pride of the province.

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