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Attended by 12,793+ people in 2022

Online Meditation Course for Beginners Personalised + interactive meditation classes online with Will Williams

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Stay calm and positive during these turbulent times with Beeja’s online meditation course. Our simple yet powerful personalised meditation technique will help you access your innate inner strength (and however you’re feeling right now, we promise you have oceans of it) so you can gain the confidence, clarity and momentum you need to handle life’s curveballs and embrace its possibilities.

Over three live sessions, with interactive Q+A, Will Williams will teach you transformative techniques that will last a lifetime. These essential tools will energise and empower you, so that you are able to thrive, no matter what life throws at you. There’s power in a group, and you won’t be alone! We’ll go on this journey together.

  • Duration: 7 hours meditation classes online over 3 days


    Online: Learn with Will Williams via Zoom.

    Join live from Wherever you are and receive your own personalised mantra from Will Williams.

  • Course fee: £294

  • Additional benefits: Every online meditation course comes with life-long support and free group meditations, so you can plug back in with us anytime you need a boost!

“I feel lucky that i was able to have access to you and learn this meditation from the comfort of my own home. It’s unlikely that I would have been able to do it otherwise and I’m still experiencing huge massive benefits from the daily practice. ”

Logo wave

Rachel, Teacher, London

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Is the Beeja Online Meditation Course for Beginners for you?

Vulnerability is the most amazing thing, if we can embrace it. It's not weakness, it's strength. It's real, and it's who we are sometimes.

Beeja Wave
Reduce stress

The times we are living through are putting us all under strain. Our meditation classes online is proven to significantly release tension, alleviate anxiety and alter the way you respond to stress for a long-lasting solution.

Clarity + creativity

In the age of information overload, our nervous systems are struggling to cope. It’s hard to stay focussed and make decisions. Beeja meditation taps into your nervous system and works with it to bring clarity, inspiration and energy to your life.

Sleep better

Sleep is such an essential part of our overall well being. Daily online meditation classes will improve the quality of your sleep by getting to the root cause of any insomnia, lengthening deep sleep cycles and maximising total sleep time so that you wake up raring to go.

Confidence + adaptability

The one thing we can be certain of right now, is uncertainty! Our meditation course online can help you to find your inner compass, celebrate your unique talents and shed negative thoughts so you can confidently adapt to change and embrace life’s possibilities.

Is an online meditation class really as effective?

positive vibrations
Distance healing can be even more powerful

One of the positive things to come out of lockdown is that we discovered that the art of distance healing and remote connections can be just as powerful digitally as face to face - and in many cases more so.

reaffirm your mind
Online teaching is flexible and effective

There are so many advantages to teaching online - it’s far more flexible for both students and teachers. We’ve been blown away by the success of our online courses and retreats since we’ve been running them.

reset your system
Many advanced practitioners prefer to work online

The Rajus, a family of ayurvedic doctors in India, only offer their ancient and extremely powerful practice, called Marma therapy, online as they say it’s the most effective way.

TM and Vedic teachers also carry out Yagna ceremonies online.

on-going support
Life-long support: real people to support you on your journey

The learning might be digital but at Beeja we are all very real! We offer life-long support to every student who attends one of our courses and you’ll also get free access to all of our.

group meditations (20+ held monthly). So it’s super easy to tap back in any time you have questions about your practice or just need a boost.

You must always choose the approach which feels right for you, but if you’ve got any more questions just drop us a line to INSERT EMAIL and we’ll be happy to answer them.

“When lockdown happened, given how much distress people were going through, I decided to take what I'd learned about distance transmissions into the vedic space and see if it worked. I can honestly tell you I'm blown away by how successful it has been”

Logo wave

Will Williams, Founder, Beeja Meditation

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"Will and his team are attracting a new generation to the inner joys of meditation"
"It's started a quiet anti-stress revolution in my mind. I finally get it"
"My anxiety has all but abated. The negative thoughts that used to play on a loop have fallen silent"

Working for a better world

For every person, we teach we plant 10 trees.

Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.

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Ongoing support

Free access to 24 group meditations a month. We are always here for you!

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Book a Course

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Dates available in

Select Time

9th Dec

Select a time slot

10th Dec | 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

11th Dec | 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Our Locations

Join our courses from wherever you are

Beeja Meditation London

45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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Clockwise Glasgow

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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