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Will's gift of meditation has created a space that's just for me. The benefits of having meditation in my life has allowed me to reach into areas I couldn't ever imagine.

I just wanted to let you know how phenomenally amazed I am about the effects that meditation has had on me in every way and in such a short space of time! I did the online beginners course with you 3 weeks ago. I was experiencing amazing meditation sessions by day 5 and was aware very quickly of feeling that in everyday life I felt I was moving more slowly but yet with more purpose, I felt very calm and for the first time in over a year didn’t feel that I had a constantly pounding heart rate/adrenaline rush sensation. I have suffered for over 20 years with severe PMT for one week of the month and also hemiplegic migraines at least twice per week- it had not entered my head that meditation could have any effect on this- I experienced no PMT mood swings this month which has literally never happened and I have only had one migraine! My family and friends have also noticed a huge difference in me. A huge thank you to you for showing me this amazing tool

I did a weekend course with Will as I kept reading that meditation was really beneficial. I had been under a lot of stress and wasn't sleeping. So glad I did the course as am sleeping much better and can handle things much better. I've also ground my teeth for years in my sleep. My dentist noticed a positive difference at my checkup. Apparently she could tell that I was no longer doing it, which is amazing!( After years and years!) She was really interested to find out that had been meditating ,and told me to keep going! Many thanks to Will and team.

I did a weekend course about 6 weeks ago and have found it really beneficial. I wasn't sleeping well and under a fair amount of stress after bereavement. I am sleeping better, the couple of times I missed the evening meditation, I noticed a difference. Also, managing to deal with organizational things better. I have ground my teeth for years, and at my checkup, the dentist could see that I was no longer doing this, which we both attributed to the meditation. So glad I attended the course,many thanks!

We asked our students how meditation has helped them...

Beeja meditation has changed my life for the better. I’ve always struggled with anxiety, and meditation has truly helped me find a calm space for my mind. Since doing the course I’ve come off my anxiety and depression medication. Everyone should have this in their lives.

I've been meditating for 5 years and after recently feeling like I needed a reboot I went to the advanced mantra course. It's fair to say that since that course I have been SO much more present, grounded, content & actually a better Dad and partner. This has been noticed by family members and goes to show. Vedic meditation is just a total game changer. So anyone needing a reboot or wants to continue deepening their practice highly recommend booking yourself in!

One of the joys of Beeja is discovering the ease of meditating - the method is an easy, natural, relaxed process. There are undeniable results for me: My sleep has been transformed from an anxious, broken experience to hours of solid rest that I look forward to and trust to wake from refreshed. I carry within me a new deep sense of inner calm. I am able to have a lighter approach to life as I find I can be present and really give my attention to those around me. I am making time to meditate twice a day, which is not always straightforward, but so, so worth it. I have done the weekend Beginners Course so far and would recommend it to everyone. It is possibly among the best investments I've made, both time-wise and financially. Watch this space - I'll be back for a retreat next year!

I took one of Will’s weekend courses on the recommendation of a friend and haven’t looked back since. I used to think mediation was for monks and gurus but having learnt the super simple techniques I can now restore calm, sleep better and get clarity on what matters to me. I don’t meditate every day but the days I do make time for it are always the ones that go better. I’m so grateful to Will and his team for the workshops and for teaching me how to find answers from within.

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Beeja Meditation London

45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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Clockwise Glasgow

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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