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One of the questions we get asked the most is how the various meditation techniques differ and, in particular, how they differ from Beeja. It's easy to imagine they'd all be pretty much the same, but there are lots of differences. It helps to think of meditation like music. A musician may be able to play more than one instrument, but they will have to master different techniques for each one, and the experience of playing the piano or the tuba, for example, will be very different.


There are four main areas in which the different meditation types differ:

The Practice

The meditation technique; this can vary from walking, to laughing, to concentrating, to effortless relaxation. 

Scientific Evidence

Research has shown that there are significant differences in the way that the brain and body respond to different meditation techniques.

Anecdotal Evidence

Over many years of personal and professional practice, we have noted consistencies that seem to hold weight.

Practice Considerations

Different techniques require different levels of commitment, set-up and environment.

Find out more about each method of meditation:

We've tried our best to remain objective when collating this information. Will has travelled the world extensively to learn all he can about meditation - in all its glorious forms. So the knowledge we share comes from a place of experience.

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Beeja Meditation London

45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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Clockwise Glasgow

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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