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Finding a meditation practice that you can work with is incredibly valuable in helping you attain inner peace, love and awareness. There are many approaches to Buddhist meditation that may be worth exploring to help you achieve this.  


Scientifically and anecdotally, the Beeja approach offers a more comprehensive set of outcomes and is renowned for being easier. But we also believe that each of us must find our own path, so we hope this guide serves you well.

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  • What is Buddhist meditation?

    Buddhism originated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni (the Buddha), who lived around 2,500 years ago. 

    At the time, it’s said that India had lost touch with its ancient teachings, and a culture of Brahmanism had taken hold; and a priestly caste was attempting to act as gatekeepers to spiritual knowledge.

    In reaction to this, Siddhartha and a great sage by the name of Mahavira decided to tread their own paths and find enlightenment. They reached their own elevated states of consciousness, and were eventually persuaded to teach others their learnings. 

    The Buddha’s teaching became known as Buddhism, and Mahavira’s teaching helped enliven the ancient system of jinas (known as Jainism today).

    After the Buddha’s death, these teachings spread north to Tibet, south to Sri Lanka, west to Afghanistan, and east to China, and in each case the teachings were modified along the way (into what we now know as Tibetan, Theravada, Greco and Mahayana Buddhism).

    Today there are many different Buddhist meditative practices which have sprung from these early branches of Buddhism.


  • How is Buddhist meditation practiced?
  • Beeja meditation vs Buddhist meditation
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Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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