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Vipassana is a form of meditation derived from Buddhism and its focus is on delivering insight and presence. It’s a fantastic practice, but it is seriously hardcore and takes a lot of time and effort. Beeja meditation also delivers powerful levels of insight and presence, but takes less time and is easier to do. Scientifically, Beeja meditation has been shown to be four times more effective at delivering present moment awareness than the Vipassana technique.    


Whilst there is much similarity in the goals of the techniques, there are some important differences between the practice of Vipassana and Beeja.

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  • What is Vipassana?

    Vipassana - meaning ‘to see things as they really are’ - is an ancient meditation technique which relates back to the Theravada branch of Buddhism; also known as the Southern branch due to its popularity in south Asia. Theravada translates as ‘the doctrine of the elders’, meaning senior Buddhist monks. 

    Vipassana was devised as part of a system to cope with the universal ills of: Impermanence; Suffering and the unsatisfatoriness of every conditioned thing that exists; Non-self.

    Through observation, the goal is to free your mind of mental impurities and become a sotapanna or ‘stream-enterer’, which is considered to be the first stage on the path to liberation.

  • How is Vipassana practiced?
  • Beeja meditation vs Vipassana
  • Upcoming courses
  • Reviews
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A glimpse into the Beeja world

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Join us at our studio for a relaxed and informal hour-long session which will give you a fascinating insight into this practice. 

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Evening Sessions

Evening Sessions

"I have a lifelong tool that has bought me calm, clarity and increased creativity"
"...I managed to switch off for long enough to get that floaty feeling people from Brighton swear by"
"I've noticed that I'm no longer ruled by emotions - I can see when I'm angry or frustrated without being in that feeling"

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Dates available in

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2nd Oct

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3rd Oct | 7pm - 10pm

3rd Oct | 7pm - 10pm


 Select the one hour slot of your choice for Day 1. Times for Days 2 & 3 are fixed group sessions.

Our Locations

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Beeja Meditation London

45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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Clockwise Glasgow

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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