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Staying Zen is an invaluable tool, which can help you to thrive amongst the stresses of the 21st century. Scientifically, and anecdotally, the Beeja approach offers the quickest and easiest route to a more Zen way of being :)  


Find out more about Zen and the art of Beeja meditation...

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  • What is Zen?

    The word Zen is derived from the Chinese word Ch’an, which is directly taken from the Indian sanskrit word dhyana, which means meditation.

    It originated in China around the 8th Century AD and then sprang outwards to Vietnam, Korea, and Japan, where it became known as Japanese Zen. It stems from the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and is heavily influenced by the Taoist tradition of China and Confucianism. 

    It’s hard to define Zen as it is essentially a state of being at peace with your own thoughts, and being self-aware of your place within the universe - which is both inconsequential and simultaneously essential. It is the acceptance of everything and nothing.

    Like Beeja, it is considered important that it is personally taught by a recognised master.

  • How is Zen practiced?
  • Beeja meditation vs Zen
  • Upcoming courses
  • Reviews
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Intro Talks:

A glimpse into the Beeja world

Come along to one of our free introductory talks to find out how Beeja could uplift your life.

Join us at our studio for a relaxed and informal hour-long session which will give you a fascinating insight into this practice. 

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Evening Sessions

Evening Sessions

"I have a lifelong tool that has bought me calm, clarity and increased creativity"
"...I managed to switch off for long enough to get that floaty feeling people from Brighton swear by"
"I've noticed that I'm no longer ruled by emotions - I can see when I'm angry or frustrated without being in that feeling"

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Dates available in

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2nd Oct

Select a time Slot

3rd Oct | 7pm - 10pm

3rd Oct | 7pm - 10pm


 Select the one hour slot of your choice for Day 1. Times for Days 2 & 3 are fixed group sessions.

Our Locations

Join our courses from wherever you are

Beeja Meditation London

45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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Clockwise Glasgow

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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