Meditation for Autism
Beeja offers an alternative approach to autism; a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder of unknown cause that affects approximately 1 in 100 people. For autistic people, everyday stimuli can often be overwhelmingly intense which leads to the stress response being over-activated. Beeja meditation helps people cope with autism, by calming down their system, balancing out negative tendencies, and significantly reducing stress hormones.
- The problem
Autism is a lifelong condition, which is thought to affect more boys and men than girls and women.
People with autism are unable to process sensory information in the usual way; most autistic people see, hear and experience the world differently from people without autism.
Everyday stimuli are often found to be overwhelmingly intense and, as a result, people with autism find their cerebral, emotional centres are very strained.
Although there's no "cure" for autism, with the right support many autistic people live fulfilled and active lives.
Yet traditional coping strategies for autism are few and far between.
- How it affects you
- How can Beeja help?
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