Fibromyalgia is a little-understood long-term condition that causes pain all over the body, increased sensitivity to pain, fatigue and problems with memory and concentration (known as "fibro-fog"). Fibromyalgia is exacerbated by, and at least partly caused by, stress. By radically reducing stress Beeja meditation can be really helpful in relieving symptoms.
- The problem
Whilst not much is known about what causes Fibromyalgia, for sufferers experiencing multiple sore spots around the body, it can be paralysing in its intensity. Yet effective fibromyalgia treatments are hard to come by.
It cannot be reconciled with arthritis, inflammation, or trapped nerves. In recent times, it has been classified as a recognised disorder or syndrome, but the lack of understanding surrounding it means there is still a tendency to label it as just another psychosomatic disorder.
We know that stress is a central precipitating factor – and there are a number of ways in which stress plays a part.
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“...meditation has been shown in clinical trials to reduce chronic pain by 57 percent. Accomplished meditators can reduce it by over 90 percent”
Psychologies Today