Parkinson’s Disease


Parkinson's is a neurological condition that causes problems in the brain and gets progressively worse over time. There are around 150,000 people currently living with Parkinson’s in the UK. Nobody knows what causes it, but stress appears to play a significant role in its long-term development. Beeja meditation helps ease the burden of living with Parkinson’s, and slow down its rate of advance, by radically reducing stress.

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  • The problem

    Nobody yet knows what causes Parkinson’s. Whatever the cause, or causes, stress appears to play a significant role in its long-term development, either as a source, or a catalyst. Major stress events such as the death of a loved one can often usher in its onset almost overnight.

    Parkinson’s is a complex condition and may affect each of us very differently. 

    However, the main motor symptoms include: shaking tremors, slowness of movement, muscle stiffness, slurred speech. 

    There are many other non motor symptoms too, including trouble sleeping, problems with memory and mental health issues.

    The fact that Parkinson’s is a degenerative disease can be extremely stressful in itself for those who’ve been diagnosed, which unfortunately only goes to make symptoms worse.


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“The only way I don’t move, in even the subtlest ways, is when I’m sleeping... I’m the same way when I do meditation. If I do it sincerely, then my brain slows down enough that my body gets still.”

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Michael J Fox, Actor & founder Michael J Fox Foundation

"..I managed to switch off for long enough to get that floaty feeling people from Brighton swear by."
"I have a lifelong tool that has brought me calm, clarity and increased creativity"
"I've noticed that I’m no longer ruled by emotions – I can see when I’m angry or frustrated without being in that feeling.”

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45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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Clockwise Glasgow

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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