

Meditation during pregnancy has been shown in multiple studies to have many positive benefits for both mother and child. Lower levels of prenatal stress are linked to better future infant health and temperament.

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  • The problem

    Research into prenatal stress has found it can affect the unborn baby in many ways.

    Prenatal stress is associated with low birth weight, preterm birth, preeclampsia, spontaneous abortion, growth-retardation (specifically reduced head circumference), developmental delays, heightened emotionality, externalizing behaviors, irritability, and deficits in attention, cognition, and neurodevelopment. 

    Not only that, but this stress programming from inside the womb is carried on through childhood and into adulthood. 

    It can lead to a range of health issues including a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, an unhealthy cholesterol profile, diabetes, and less developed male genitalia and testosterone production.


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“Expose a foetus to lots of glucocorticoids and you are increasing the risk of obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistant diabetes, maybe reproductive impairments, maybe anxiety, and impaired brain development. And maybe even setting that foetus's eventual offspring up for the same.”

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Robert M. Sapolsky, Neuroendocrinologist and Author

"..I managed to switch off for long enough to get that floaty feeling people from Brighton swear by."
"I have a lifelong tool that has brought me calm, clarity and increased creativity
"I've noticed that I’m no longer ruled by emotions – I can see when I’m angry or frustrated without being in that feeling.”

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45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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Clockwise Glasgow

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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